The applications to perform at our events are linked above.
Please note: Nashville Pride and Kentuckiana Pride have separate entertainment applications. Kentuckiana Pride’s application has closed. Nashville Pride is currently on a waitlist.
2025 Events
The link to the form is at the top of this page. There is one application for most of our events with the ability to select the ones you’re interested in. There are separate applications for Nashville Pride and Kentuckiana Pride.
We receive hundreds of applications and will contact you if we are interested in confirming a performance.
Most of the festivals are located within Middle Tennessee, but there are a few outside of this area. You can click on the individual festivals to learn more.
Unless otherwise specified, we provide the stage, sound, and lighting systems. Details past that will be discussed for each event privately.
We typically send out load in information about 2 weeks before an event.
Some events may not be included on the application due to any of the following reasons:
We are not booking the event yet
The lineup is full
The application process is not used for the event
Curating lineups can be as fun as it is challenging. Good Neighbor Festivals understands that booking artists to fill out festival lineups requires a number of working parts. Visit our Entertainment page to learn more