Community Through Festivals


College Credit Internship

Interested in being a part of some of Nashville's largest events? Good Neighbor Festivals hires interns each semester for class credit. Join us for a season of fun events!

Vendor Management/Logistics/Ticketing Internship

Fall Semester

Intern would assist with festival planning, design, and management and have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the live entertainment industry. This internship would be heavily focused on the vendor management process, logistics, and ticketing for the various events Good Neighbor Festivals produces. Good Neighbor Festivals produces and manages 15+ annual festivals and events in Middle Tennessee.

 Ideal candidate would be available at least 2-4 days per week for 3-8 hours per day, plus extended hours on event days.

 Festival/event experience is a plus, but not required. 

 Internship is unpaid but eligible for course credit.

Media/Social Media/ Marketing Internship

Fall Semester

Intern would assist with festival planning, design, and management and have the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the live entertainment industry. This internship would be heavily focused on website and social management, marketing, and graphic design for the various events Good Neighbor Festivals produces. Good Neighbor Festivals produces and manages 15+ annual festivals and events in Middle Tennessee.

Ideal candidate would be available at least 2-4 days per week for 3-8 hours per day (10-15 hours per week, based on credit needs), plus extended hours on event days.

Festival/event, social media management, and graphic design experience is a plus, but not required. 

 Internship is unpaid but eligible for course credit.